Cable - Discovery VCT Pulmonary
5212250 | |
5174616 | |
Computed Tomography (CT) | |
GE HealthCare | Outright |
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- Flexible Cable
- Easy to connect and disconnect
- Comes with D-sub connector
- Lemo plug that provides rugged and reliable circular multipole connector
Product Overview
This cable assembly acts as an interface between the Real-time Position Management (RPM) System to gantry pulmonary system. It comprises of a 9 position D-sub at one end and 6 position lemo plug at other end.The cable used is a 2 twisted pair conductor made of tinned copper with 22 AWG size. The cable holds strain relief,a standard fixture for electrical cables that functions as a feature for relieving the stress from the cable connections themselves to prevent them from breaking at lemo plug end. This cable assembly is compatible with Discovery ST for PET/CT System.
Compatible Products
Discovery ST
Discovery STE
Substitute Parts :
Below is more information on the equivalent parts. Parts without a hyperlink are listed for reference only and are not available for purchase online.
Equivalent part | Part Details |
5174616 | Pulmanary Cable, RPM unit to Gantry |